Mata is a content platform founded by one of Australia‘s leading harm reduction advocates. Its mission is to amplify unheard voices, sharing untold stories from those who often go unrecognised.

The brief was to create a brand that puts these voices at the forefront, with a strong emphasis on imagery and content. The result is a uniquely designed website that gives each story its own space to be seen and heard, ensuring every perspective is presented with authenticity and impact.


Brand identity

Creative direction

Website design

Website build


Photography - Antonella Morelli

Mata logo and black text on white background. The text says A gathering space for undiscovered voices and untold stories
An image of plants with orange flowers on a river bank with the sky reflecting in the water
A close up on a person holding a book in their hands and reading
A portrait of David Heiplpern, wearing a black tshirt infront of a white background
A Mata poster in a bus stop display
3 screenshots of the mata mobile website
3 images of mata instagram stories with text and images
3 images of mata instagram stories with text and images